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IB/PB Seminar - Shana Caro - UT Austin, SW Scholar
Monday, October 12, 2020, 03:00pm - 04:00pm
Contact Nicole Elmer: nicole.elmer[at]austin.utexas.edu

Shana Caro is a Stengl-Wyer Scholar and an evolutionary biologist interested in how conflicts create and shape social behavior. She studies birds, focusing on the effects of sibling-sibling, parent-offspring, and male-female conflict on parental care and parent-offspring communication. 

Shana received her A.B. in human evolutionary biology from Harvard University and her D.Phil. in zoology from the University of Oxford, supervised by Professors Ashleigh Griffin and Stu West. During her DPhil, she found that variation in signalling systems across bird species could be explained by a combination of ecological and life history traits. In her first postdoctoral position as a Simons Fellow based at Columbia University, with Professor Dustin Rubenstein, she explored how environmental harshness and unpredictability modulates parental investment and communication in the cooperatively breeding superb starling (Lamprotornis superbus)

Title: Neglectful parents and dishonest offspring: How evolutionary conflicts shape communication and parental care in birds

Host: Hans Hofmann

Location: Online