

Meet Stengl-Wyer Fellow: Sarah Ortiz



Girl Day at Brackenridge Field Lab



Red Flags: I’m Not the Bug for You!

The matador bug’s vibrant red hind-leg flags are neither a mating display nor a distraction tactic, they’re part of an elaborate defense strategy.

A black and yellow bug with red flaps on its hind legs sits on a green leaf

Wildflower Center

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Launches Live Owl Nest Cam

A much-loved great horned owl named ‘Athena’ is viewable at The University of Texas at Austin center and field station.

A great horned owl perches on a tree branch.


History of UT Botany, Part 5: Beryl Simpson



Why the Powerhouses of Cells Evolve Differently in Plants

New research solves a mystery as to why mitochondria in some plants evolve faster than others.

A pink flower with green stem against a tan background


Climate Change and Habitat Loss Are Big Factors in Frog Pandemic

The worldwide decline in frog populations is due to a fast-spreading infection, but people also play a role.

A small frog perches on a large rock


First Brainwide Map Shows How Sex and Intimacy Rewire the Brain

Steven Phelps and his team found 68 brain regions in prairie voles associated with mating and bonding.

A pair of small furry rodents snuggle


UT Entomologists Collaborate on Insect-Inspired Album

An award-winning composer came to class and had scientists lend an ear, resulting in music that’s all the buzz.

A young treehopper photographed at the Brackenridge Field Laboratory polllinator garden is one of the insects that inspired a scientist-musician collaboraiton. Credit: Alex Wild