

History of UT Botany, Part 5: Beryl Simpson



Why the Powerhouses of Cells Evolve Differently in Plants

New research solves a mystery as to why mitochondria in some plants evolve faster than others.

A pink flower with green stem against a tan background


Climate Change and Habitat Loss Are Big Factors in Frog Pandemic

The worldwide decline in frog populations is due to a fast-spreading infection, but people also play a role.

A small frog perches on a large rock


First Brainwide Map Shows How Sex and Intimacy Rewire the Brain

Steven Phelps and his team found 68 brain regions in prairie voles associated with mating and bonding.

A pair of small furry rodents snuggle


UT Entomologists Collaborate on Insect-Inspired Album

An award-winning composer came to class and had scientists lend an ear, resulting in music that’s all the buzz.

A young treehopper photographed at the Brackenridge Field Laboratory polllinator garden is one of the insects that inspired a scientist-musician collaboraiton. Credit: Alex Wild


Genes That ‘Don’t Play Well Together’ Drive Development of Distinct Species

Justin Havird, Erik Iverson and their colleagues have identified genes involved in hybrid incompatibility in swordtail fishes.

Fish swimming in an aquarium


Meet Stengl-Wyer Scholar: Jeffrey Coleman


UT News

What Happens to the UT Turtles When it Gets Cold Outside?

Travis LaDuc, who oversees UT Austin’s herpetology collection at the Biodiversity Center in the College of Natural Sciences, spoke to UT News.

Three turtles sit atop a rock in a pond reflecting the UT Tower and trees


Natural Labs: UT Field Stations Help Predict Drought Impact

UT scientists study how droughts affect local ecosystems at the Brackenridge Field Laboratory and the Stengl Lost Pines Biological Station.

A wooden frame with clear pastic cover sits in a field of grass and shrubs surrounded by trees


Bull Shark in the Ichthyology Collection

header shark img