Climate Change
We have explored using the species distribution models in climate change applications, projecting species' climatic suitability onto projected future conditions. This work is intended to provide information on the direction and magnitude of climatic suitability shifts considering extreme and conservative projected global greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
Colorado River Basin Cyprinids – a clean-up of the occurrence data for cyprinids from the Colorado basin, with an emphasis on examining whether or not N. oxyrhynchus are native there
Waller Creek Xiphophorus – the first documented occurrence of Xiphophorus variatus in Texas and exploration into how it has survived in Waller Creek on the UT campus for many years.
Mexican Trout – ‘Truchas Mexicanas’ is a binational group aimed at gathering information about the under-studied native trout of Mexico
Cuatro Cienegas – a website created in 1995, as part of the Desert Fishes Council, providing basic information on the biodiversity and various research projects taking place in the central Coahuila valley
American Eel - documenting historic and modern occurrences of Anguila rostrata in Texas and more generally along the Gulf Coast
Data gap sampling in TX - based on the data held in our Fishes of Texas database we are sampling in areas of the state that are historically poorly sampled
TNHC Fish Collection Google Scholar page provides links to papers that use TNHCI specimens or data, as well as publications that cite those papers
TNHC specimens cited as detected by GBIF are specimens cited using GBIF's guidelines.
Fishes of Texas Project Google Scholar page provides links to papers that use the data held in our Fishes of Texas project. Our Fishes of Texas Project is much newer, but it too is being extensively used in published literature.
To see publications by staff involved in the collections see the Hendrickson Lab pages publication section.
The TNHC has deep roots in the Texas Memorial Museum (TMM) that published extensively and mostly on Paleontology and Archeology/Anthropology (sometimes fishes), which for many years were strong research and exhibit emphases of the TMM. We were moved on September 1, 2014, to the Department of Integrative Biology and since then, via a small grant from the University Library, we scanned and published text-based digital versions of all issues of both the TMM Bulletin and the Pearce-Sellards Series that were still available in hard copy and made them available in the UT Digital Repository.