News: Research


Florida Lizards Evolve Rapidly, Within 15 Years and 20 Generations

Competition between brown and green anoles for the same food and space may be driving adaptations of the green anoles

A green lizard and a brown lizard


Crazy Ants Dominate Fire Ants by Neutralizing Their Venom

It’s the first known example of an insect with the ability to detoxify another insect’s venom.

One large ant with its hindquarters raised in the direction of smaller ants

UT News

Texas Invasive Species Program Established at Brackenridge Field Lab

To combat and manage pesky invasive species such as fire ants, tawny crazy ants and Cactoblastis moths, the Texas Invasive Species Program has been established at The University of Texas at Austin with $2.7 million in support from the Lee and Ramona Bass Foundation.

Tawny crazy ant